Sunday, December 25, 2011

Corona Clipper HS 6960 10-Inch Professional Hedge Shear

!±8±Corona Clipper HS 6960 10-Inch Professional Hedge Shear

Brand : Corona Clipper
Rate :
Price : $54.25
Post Date : Dec 25, 2011 13:02:42
Usually ships in 24 hours

Ten inch resharpenable forged Coronium steel alloy blades. Fully heat treated for strength.Precision-made pivot bolt. Limb notch. Neoprene ShockStop bumper. Bolt-on hardwood handles. Comfortable, non-slip grips. Made in USA. Weight 2.5 pounds. Overall len

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Shopping For Garden Tools

!±8± Shopping For Garden Tools

Shopping around for gardening tools should be done carefully and patiently to make sure that you would be ending up with those which are durable, functional and of the highest quality. If you are looking into buying some garden tools, here are some pointers which could help you.

First, make a list of some of the tools that you want to get. Some basic gardening tools that you might consider purchasing would be a secateur, rake, hoe, trowel, lawnmower, wheelbarrow and a cultivator. The tools that you would be getting would depend on what kind of garden you have and what types of plants and foliage you have in it. For instance, if you have several shrubs and trees, you might want to get hedge shears and a hand saw to do your trimming and cutting.

When shopping for garden tools, it is important to check the type of material they are made of. Tools which are made of stainless steel are still the best and most durable. They are also easier to clean since they do not rust. However, stainless steel tools could be more expensive compared to the other types. You could also get tools which are made of carbon fiber steel, as they are also durable, sturdy and quite easy to sharpen. If you could, choose to get tools which have steel-strapped or forged sockets and ash shafts, as those are able to handle stress and pressure better.

Before buying tools, examine them carefully. Make sure the shaft of the tool is straight. Avoid getting tools which have painted handles since the paint is usually applied to conceal lower quality wood. Also make sure that the tool has a weight which is appropriate for the purpose that you have for it. If you are buying pruners, hand saws or loppers, get those which have blades that are replaceable.

Because of the wide variety of garden tools that are available in the market, you could avoid buying tools which you do not actually need by avoiding those which only have one use such as bulb planter. Chances are, you would already have another tool that would be able to do the same job such as a trowel.

You should also consider any physical limitations that you have. There are plenty of ergonomic tools today which have been designed to lessen the stress on the joints and muscles. You could also go for those which have longer shafts and handles, as they increase leverage and would prevent you from having to stoop over to use them. If you have weak hands or arthritis, you could consider buying loppers and pruners that have a ratcheting mechanism that could multiply your strength and make cutting a lot easier.

Through following these pointers and patiently shopping around, you would be able to have tools that would offer plenty of uses and benefits for your gardening. Make sure that you would not just settle for those which are inexpensive as you could end up spending more later on when you need to replace them because of their poor quality. Investing in quality tools and properly caring for them could pay off in the long run, since you would be sure that they would be able to last many years of planting and gardening.

Shopping For Garden Tools

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Friday, December 2, 2011 - Gro1 Floral Shears Hydroponics

The Gro1 Floral Shears are an essential tool for pruning and maintenance. Quality shears need to be tough, easy on the hands, and sharp. These particular floral shear is great for precise trimming in hard to reach areas. The bypass style curved blades are made of high quality stainless steel so they stay sharper longer. The shears have cushioned grip handles that are contoured for non-slip use as well as being very easy on the hands, even after hours of use. The handles are also spring loaded to provide more ease during use. Specifications: Ideal shears for effective floral pruning Easy lock close mechanism Spring loaded handles Recessed spring socket Stainless-steel blades Cushioned grip handles Contour grip handles for non slip use Suitable for left & right hand use

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Parametrix Volunteers at City of Auburn Clean Sweep 2011

What do Parametrix and the US Postal Service have in common? This is the un-official Postal Service motto: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." Volunteers for this years' Auburn Clean Sweep upped the ante of the motto, to include: hail, super-sticky mud, blackberry brambles, snakes, and spiders. Add in the danger of machetes, scythes, and pruning shears, and you have a group of adventurers who rival those seen on Extreme Makeover Home Edition! The Parametrix team included employee owners and their families from the SR520 office, Puyallup, and Corporate. Thanks to their support and dedication, our client, the City of Auburn, received 19 helping hands in their quest to beautify the city. AJ Porrini Alexander Schott Brenden Harse Chuck Schott Cindy Clark Dan McReynolds Daniel Schott Elena Coque Jerri Bean John Schott Kathleen Becker Leslie Clark Lisa Lippert Marriah Harse Melissa Clark Michael Clark Paul Bucich Rick Harse Tenille Van Hollebeke

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Complete Combo Pack of 8 Pruning Shears, Pruners, Clippers and Cutting Tools. Lifetime Warranty on All.

!±8± Complete Combo Pack of 8 Pruning Shears, Pruners, Clippers and Cutting Tools. Lifetime Warranty on All.

Brand : The Dirty Gardener | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 02, 2011 19:06:19 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

This is a complete Combination package of all eight of our garden cutting tools. Pruners, clippers, scissors for all types of vegetation.Complete unconditional lifetime warranty on all tools.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Growing Organic Eggplant

!±8± Growing Organic Eggplant


It is good to know for many reasons that if you're growing eggplant, it's related to tobacco, tomatoes, and potatoes.

Growing eggplant for food originated in the regions around India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.

Although in modern times you'll find most gardeners growing purple eggplants, there are also white, yellow, green, and orange varieties that are making a comeback.

Our Ukrainian neighbors introduced us to a delicious eggplant/tomato salsa that has become our favorite sweet salsa. Contact us if you want the recipe. We'll be adding it later this year to this website as we expand our offerings.


In most parts of the country eggplants must be started from seed indoors, and then transplanted into the garden.

Some hybrid varieties take as little as 55 days to mature but most open-pollinated or heirloom varieties (from which seeds can be saved from) need 70-100 days of warm weather, preferably 80°F and above, to reach maturity.

In northern or cooler climates, start seeds indoors 6 weeks before the last frost date and transplant at least 2 weeks after the last frost date (that will put your plants at about 8 weeks when transplanting). In our short growing climate, we wait until June 1 to transplant into the garden.

Eggplants growing in cold soil or exposed to chilly weather grow poorly. Plant growth will be stunted and leaves can turn yellow and die (I learned this the hard way our fist year). Even when warm weather returns, plants may not fully recover.

Eggplants are more susceptible to damage from low temperatures (55°F and below) than tomato plants. Even a very light frost will permanently retard or even kill eggplant.

If you live in a mild winter area with a long growing season, you can do a second planting in the mid-summer to be harvested late in the fall.


To grow eggplants successfully, they need steady, warm growing conditions for at least three months.

Eggplant prefers organically rich, well-drained, sandy soil and at least 8 hours of full sun per day.

You can plant eggplant seeds directly in your garden in hot climates.

Eggplant performs best in daytime temperatures of 80-90°F and nighttime temperatures no lower then 70°F.


Eggplants grow best in soil with pH between 5.5 and 7.5.

Incorporate well-rotted manure and compost, or an organic garden fertilizer before transplanting.

Addition of manure or compost can add micronutrients and organic matter to soil.

When you add well-composted manure to the growing area, it helps the soil to retain needed moisture and provides a lighter, looser soil structure that is easier for your eggplant to grow in.

Add up to 2-4 inches of well-composted organic matter. Work this into the top 6 inches of soil

Add more if you have heavy clay soil, this will help to lighten and improve the nutrient quality of your soil.

If the pH is too low, add lime.

Cover the new planting site with black plastic mulch 2 weeks prior to transplanting eggplants. The plastic will help heat the soil, so transplanting won't be such a shock to your plants.

Mounding up your soil to make raised beds will also help the soil to heat up quicker in the spring.


Verticillium wilt (VW) is the most common disease of eggplant. Look for varieties that are resistant.


Optimal germination temperature is 80- 90° with a minimum of 70°.

Cold temperatures (below 65°) will stop plant and root growth.

Once you've purchased your seeds they should be good for about 5 years.


Soak the seeds overnight before planting or sprout them by placing seeds inside a damp paper towel placed inside a sealed plastic bag and set in a warm location.

Use a sterile germination mix that contains vermiculite, peat or sphagnum moss. Moisten the mix before you plant your seeds.

In a flat, fill with at least 2" of sterile seed germinating mix. Plant seeds ¼" deep with ½" space either side. Cover and keep moist but not soggy.

Place flat in a warm location where soil temperatures can maintain a minimum of 70°F for germination.

Placing heating mats under your flat can help keep temperatures consistent and up where they need to be. You can also try placing your flat on top of an insulated water-heater, or an upright freezer may be sufficient. I have even had success placing my trays on top of the hanging fluorescent lamps on my grow stand.

Carefully monitor soil mix moisture levels. Using a source of heat will dry soil out quicker and potentially prevent any seeds from germinating.

Thin seedlings after the first true leaves appear by cutting unwanted seedlings at their base. Space seedlings 2 inches apart.

When seedlings have their second set of true leaves, block out the plants in the flat (cut in between them both vertically and horizontally as though you were cutting brownies into squares). This will encourage new root growth close to the plant which will minimize root disturbance when transplanting.

In one week after blocking out, transplant them individually to 3-4 " pots.

Eggplants are also good for container growing, with one plant per 3 to 5-gallon pot or container with a depth of at least 12".

If using terra cotta pots, keep in mind that they absorb moisture and your plants will need to be monitored more frequently for watering. This will obviously be more of an issue in hotter climates.

Eggplant seedlings need 14-16 hours of lighting per day with the grow-lights or fluorescent bulbs placed 2 to 3 inches above the plants. This will ensure plants grow large and healthy. See article on Indoor Lighting.


Eggplant grows best if transplanted when plants have 6-9 leaves and a well developed root system. This requires 6-8 weeks of growing indoors.

When outside night-time air temperatures are maintaining 65-70°, and plants are 6-8 weeks old, begin to harden off your seedlings.

Start with one hour of direct sun and gradually expose them to more sunlight daily over the next week or two, bringing them up to equivalent daylight hours. Bring your plants indoors if night temperatures drop below 65°.

Eggplant needs to be babied. Do not reduce watering or expose the plants to cold temperatures when hardening off. Doing so can cause woody stems and a poor fruit yield.

If temperatures are not warm enough in 6-8 weeks, transplant your seedlings into larger pots and wait to harden off until the outside temperatures are consistently warm enough.

Water the seedlings thoroughly approximately one hour before you plan to transplant. The soil should be noticeably moist, but not soggy.

If you water your plants well about an hour before transplanting, the soil will stay firmly around the roots causing fewer disturbances while you're putting them in the ground.

Transplant on a cloudy day: Bright sun can hurt newly planted seedlings, so always plan to transplant on an overcast day, late in the afternoon or in the evening.

Eggplants should be placed so that the shoots are at the soil line as they were before transplanting.

Cover the seedling with a mixture of soil and a little compost. Cover the seedling and add mulch around the base to help retain moisture and suppress weeds. Water thoroughly.

Provide shade the first day or two for the newly transplanted eggplant seedlings and protect from wind.

Space plants 18 to 24 inches apart in the row depending on fruit size. Allow 30 to 36 inches between rows or you can space plants 2½ to 3 feet apart in all directions.

Mulch immediately after transplanting, and gently hand pull any invading weeds.

Pour 1 to 2 cups of compost tea around each plant, and firm the soil gently.


Be sure you have enough warm growing days to successfully grow eggplant to maturity from seed planted directly in your garden.

If you live in such a climate, the earliest you should plant seeds outdoors is 2 weeks after the last spring frost, but your best indicator is weather conditions and soil temperature.

Eggplant is easily harmed by cold temperatures. Hold off planting seeds until the soil has thoroughly warmed to 70° and day temperatures remain above 65° at the bare minimum.

Sow seeds very shallow, about 1/4 to 1/2 inch.

Space plants 18 to 24 inches apart in the row depending on fruit size. Allow 30 to 36 inches between rows or you can space plants 2½ to 3 feet apart in all directions.


Keep the soil moist to promote maximum growth.

When plants are about 6" high, nip back the growing tip to encourage branching.

Pinch off the top of the plant when it's about 18 inches tall to encourage it to bush out.

Once you have three or four fruits set, it will be time to start removing any further side shoots as they develop. This helps to divert the energy of the plant to where it is most needed.

Pinch off blossoms 2 to 4 weeks before first expected frost so that plants channel energy into ripening existing fruit, not producing new ones.

Eggplants are heavy feeders, but avoid feeding too much nitrogen. It will encourage lush foliage growth at the expense of fruit.

In hot regions where the temperature tops 100°F, it's best to protect plants with shade covers.

When the eggplants bloom, apply more liquid fertilizer and repeat monthly.

Use hot caps over your plants for cool nights (below 65°F) to protect.

Row covers can be placed over plants to protect from low night temperatures and some insect pests. If you use row covers for eggplant, they need to be supported up above the plant by rounded wire, an a-frame support, or some other method to keep the fabric from laying directly on the plants.

Great care should be taken to avoid damage or breakage to the growing point of the young seedlings which will severely slow the growth and production of the plant.

Remove covers when temperatures are above 85° F to prevent heat damage.

If you have a couple warm weeks into fall, you can extend your harvest by covering your plants with a row cover.

Jenny's Tip - When you're growing eggplant, spray your plants every couple of weeks with a liquid organic leaf spray fertilizer. We highly recommend Organic Garden Miracle™. It naturally stimulates your garden plants to produce more plant sugar in the photosynthesis process. That in turn creates a more robust plant, more produce from your garden, and better and sweeter flavor. And they have a really good warranty!


Add 3-4 inches of organic mulch

Use black or silver plastic (known as plastic mulch) to keep the ground warm before planting in cooler climates. Plastic mulches allow earlier planting and maturity, especially with transplants.

After preparing the soil for growing eggplant, lay the plastic over the planting area, secure the edges with soil, and cut holes for the transplants.

Using the combination of plastic mulch and row covers, eggplant can be set out before the last frost date if soil and air temperatures are monitored carefully.

Once soil temperatures have reached 75°F, replace plastic mulch with organic material.

Mulching with herbicide-free grass clippings, weed-free straw, or other organic material will help to prevent weed growth, and decrease the need for frequent cultivation.

Do not apply organic mulches around the plants until soils are warmer than 75ºF. Applying too early keeps the soil cool, resulting in slow growth and shallow rooting.

The roots of eggplants are very close to the surface of the soil, so it is important not to cultivate too deeply.

Cultivate just deeply enough to cut the weeds off below the surface of the soil.


For best production, plants need 1 to 1½ inches of water a week.

Soak the soil thoroughly when watering, There is little or no value to growing eggplant in light watering that only wets the soil surface.

Apply 1 - 1 1/2 inches 1x a week during the growing season. If your soil is sandy, it may require more than one watering a week.

Use drip irrigation if possible. Irrigate so that moisture goes deeply into the soil.

Irregular watering (under or over) can cause tough leathery fruit or root rot


Here is an example the inexact science of companion planting:

Eggplant is a member of the nightshade family and some gardeners sat it grows well with peppers. These plants like the same, warm growing conditions.

But, since eggplant is related to peppers (as well as tomatoes and potatoes), it attracts the same type of pests. So, on the contrary, some suggest avoiding planting eggplant and peppers in close proximity. I suggest trying both and see what works best in your area.

Beans planted with eggplants repel beetles which would otherwise attack the eggplant. Pole beans can provide shade and wind protection.

Marigold deters nematodes. If you grow marigolds as a pest repellent for your eggplant, it's best not to grow beans as the companion vegetable, since marigold can be an herbicide to certain beans.

Tarragon and Thyme both aid in improving flavor and growth in vegetable plants and help repel pests.

Fennel is a bad companion and is toxic to most garden plants. Depending on the plant, it can inhibit growth, cause bolting, or even kill plants growing nearby. Dill is the only garden plant that is not affected

Tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes, eggplant are in the nightshade (Solanaceae) family. These plants should not be planted in the same space the following year to avoid soil-borne diseases.

Crops should also be alternated due to soil depletion or pest attraction.

Planting in the same location once every 3-4 years is recommended.


If you grow heirloom eggplant varieties, you know that eggplant comes in a rainbow of colors, shapes, and sizes. So picking when a dark purple to black and 6-8" long will not always apply.

Some varieties, such as Thai eggplants, can be round like a small ball or long like young zucchini and are not a solid color when ripe.

The best indication of when to pick a ripe eggplant is when the skin has a glossy sheen and a correct firmness (explained below). It also helps to know the variety's expected ripeness color and size.

To test for correct firmness, press the skin. If the flesh is hard and does not give, the eggplant is immature and too young to harvest. If the thumb indentation remains and feels spongy, the eggplant is over mature with hard seeds and flesh that becomes stringy. You want a firmness between the two.

To harvest, cut the stem with a knife or pruning shears.

If you cut open an eggplant fruit and find that the seeds inside have turned brown, the fruit is past prime quality and the flavor may be bitter.

The best way to avoid this is by picking fruits on the young side, when they are 1/3 to 2/3 of their fully mature size.

Wear gloves. Eggplant has small prickly thorns on the stems and under the leaves.

Eggplants bruise easily so harvest gently. Always cut the eggplant with the cap and some of the stem attached.


Eggplants do not hold up well in cool temperatures so the refrigerator may not be your best option. If you do choose to store them in the refrigerator, wrap them in plastic and use the vegetable within the next couple days.

Before using, check that the stem and cap are still a greenish color and no brown spots have developed on the skin.

For the longest fresh storage, mature eggplants will keep for approximately 1 week if held at 50-55°F and 90% humidity.

Eggplant can be dried in a dehydrator. Choose freshly picked, ripe eggplant (following the same guidelines under Harvesting). Cut into ¼ to ½ " thick round slices or ½" cubes for drying.

Eggplant is dry when it is brittle and wafer-like. To rehydrate, soak in water for at least 30 minutes.

An old-fashioned way to dehydrate eggplant is to string-dry the round slices. After slicing, cover them with coarse salt for a few hours to draw out moisture. Using a sterile needle and a string (do not use wire which can rust), string the rounds. Hang both ends of the string (so it is hanging horizontally) out of direct sunlight. Space apart each slice to allow good air circulation and avoid sticking.


Flea beetles are eggplant's worst pest.

These tiny beetles chew holes in leaves and stems of seedling which is when they're most vulnerable, and can weaken or kill the plants.

Row covers are effective if they're completely sealed with dirt or sandbags.

Check under your row covers to make sure you beat the beetles to your plants and to make sure the weeds aren't choking your plants either.

Proper nutrition and watering also helps your plants resist flea beetles. Ridding the area of bindweed and wild mustard also helps.

One effective remedy for these beetles is powdering your plants with diatomaceous earth. It only works if dry, though, so if it rains or you irrigate you'll need to re-dust your plants.

If plants become infested, spraying Beauveria bassiana or spinosad may knock back the population of flea beetles and save your plants.

Colorado Potato Beetles are a black and yellow striped insect that lays bunches of yellow eggs on the underside of eggplant leaves.

Hand-picking the beetles and their eggs is the most effective way to rid your plants of these pests. Drop them into a pail of soapy water to drown them quickly.

Tomato hornworms are another pest that afflicts eggplant. They're an approximately 4 inch long green caterpillar with white stripes with a black "horn" on their last abdominal segment.

The adult moths are a gray-brown mottled color and have yellow spots on their abdomens and about a 4 to 5 inch wingspan. The hind wings have light and dark stripes.

They prefer tomatoes, but will also defoliate potatoes, eggplant and peppers.

Check your garden a couple times a week and handpick any hornworms you find. You can drown them in a bucket of soapy water, or, like we do, feed them to your chickens - they absolutely love them!

Keeping your garden weed-free helps to keep this pest under control, as well as rototilling your garden in the fall.

Braconid wasps are one of nature's natural antidote to hornworms. If you see hornworms with tiny white cocoons on them, leave those alone as those are the parasitic offspring of these wasps and they're in the process of killing these caterpillars.

Spider mites are another tiny pest that causes your leaves to look stippled yellow. You can spray these little pests off with a stream of water.

Cutworms will attack eggplant - usually early in the season when the plants are young and tender - at the soil line, killing the plant. They don't eat the tops of the plants.

Cutworms vary in color, gloss, and patterns (spotting or striping); they're black, green, gray, brown, pink, or tan, with lots of variations in those colors.

If you disturb a cutworm, they'll curl up in a ball.

The adult moths are also varied in color and pattern, but are typically have about a 1.5 inch wingspan. The forewings are typically striped or spotted and are darker than their rear wings. Their colors range from white to brown to black to gray.

To spot cutworms, check around your plants, especially if one is wilting, in the evening. Move clods or other debris away from the base of your plants to find hiding cutworms.

Look for cutworm droppings on the ground that'll be a sign that cutworms have been eating your plants.

It helps to make sure there's no weeds or decaying plants on the surface of the soil where small cutworms thrive. Rototilling your soil helps to kill larvae by turning decayed plants into the soil where they're unavailable for cutworm larvae to feed on.

Don't use green manure as the adult moths lay eggs in it; rather, use composted manure.

If you rototill your garden in the fall, it helps to expose or get rid of larvae and pupae.

If you have just a few plants, you can make a cardboard or aluminum foil collar to dig in a few inches around the base of your eggplant; this makes a physical barrier to keep cutworms from feasting on the base of your plants.

Diatomaceous Earth is very effective against cutworms, but remember that it only works if it's powdery and needs re-applied if your plants and soil become wet.

The main pest that afflicts sage is spider mites.

Spider mites are very tiny and appear as red specks on your sage. Heavy infestations of spider mites will destroy leaves.

As they're so small, it's difficult to see these pests and it's more likely that you'll see their damage before you see them. The damage appears as yellow stippling in your leaves.

A spray of water will often knock these tiny pest off your plants when you begin to see the stippling.

You can purchase predatory mites that will rid your garden of spider mite but don't bother your plants.

If the spider mites get to profuse, you can use diatomaceous earth, pyrethrins, or organic insecticidal soaps. Dust or spray your plants weekly until the problem disappears.


Eggplant likes consistency, and problems like "flower abortion" (flowers dropping), blossom end rot, and sunburn can be avoided by consistent watering and row covers if the weather is over 90°F for long periods of time.

Verticillium wilt is common in eggplant and causes the plants to yellow and wilt. Your best defense is crop rotation and purchasing resistant varieties.

Early blight is a less common eggplant ailment, causing leaf spots or loss of leaves and fruit in more severe cases.

Typically this blight appears in wet years. Planting resistant varieties is your best defense, and over-head watering only early in the day if you don't have drip irrigation.

Soil that is balanced with good nutrients also is beneficial in resisting blight.

You can also make an organic fungicide spray using bicarbonate of soda (baking soda). In a gallon of water add a couple drops of organic olive oil, a couple drops of environmentally-friendly liquid soap, and 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Spray it on your eggplant leaves to effectively control fungal diseases.

Late blight is more severe than early blight. Initially you'll see dark green lesions on the lower plant leaves, and you may see a white fuzzy fungus on the underside of the leaves. If left untreated, these outbreaks can wipe out your eggplant crop.

Use the above anti-fungal spray if an outbreak begins. Rotate your crops away from the area next season.

Remove and destroy infected leaves and/or plants.

Use early in the day watering, weed control, and plant blight resistant varieties to reduce the risk of late blight.

Growing Organic Eggplant

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Important Landscaping Tools - The Top Five

!±8± Important Landscaping Tools - The Top Five

Landscaping tools can be found in garden shops, hardware stores, and other shops throughout the world. There are so many tools that it can be difficult to know what landscaping tools are useful and needed and which will probably remain in your garage. To have a great garden you really only need a handful of tools. The following are five tools that are essential for any landscaper or gardener.


The most important landscaping tool of them all is the shovel. In order to put in plants you need to dig holes, and this is where the shovel is most important. It is handy to have a full-size shovel in your tools but if you only have a patio garden or small area to work in you may only need a hand shovel. Shovels can be used to plant large plants like trees or shrubs and can be used to make the small ridges when planting seeds.


If you have a large area or extensive lawn then a wheelbarrow will save you a lot of time and backache. Wheelbarrows are key to transport leaves, rocks, dirt and other yard waste that you want to remove. Wheelbarrows will come in handy when you least expect it and can easily be stored when not in use. You may not need it all the time but when you do, you will be glad it is in your landscaping tool collection.


A rake is the best tool for gathering dead leaves, grass clippings, pine needles and other lawn debris. Rakes are the most eco-friendly tools, as they don't use gas like leaf blowers and are very quiet. Besides gathering leaves rakes can be used to spread straw and mulch on large beds. It is an important tool for your lawn as well as your flower, fruit or vegetable beds.


To keep your lawn looking its best you will need to trim or prune your shrubs, lawn and other plants. Pruning is important for certain plants to grow and trimming can keep unruly plants from growing all over the place. There are many types of pruners with small, hand held pruners being the most popular. You can also find pruners that will take care of larger shrubs and small branches; these have much longer blades then a hand held pruner. Shears and saws can also be handy if you have a lot of large trees and shrubs in your garden.

Watering Can

Sometimes garden hoses just won't reach the area you need to water and that is when the watering can comes in handy. Depending on your garden you may not have a garden hose and will use a watering can to do all of your watering. If you have container plants or newly planted seeds then a watering can is a must. The watering can gently waters plants and will not wash away any newly planted seeds.

These are just the top five basic landscaping tools you need to care for your garden. As you get more specialized you'll be buying more specific tools as you need them.

Important Landscaping Tools - The Top Five

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Zenport® ZL122 (12pk) 5" Double Bow Sheep & Onion Shears

!±8± Zenport® ZL122 (12pk) 5" Double Bow Sheep & Onion Shears

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(Box of 12) Heavy Duty, carbon steel, double-bow sheep shears. Also used for trimming plants, and topping onions during harvest. 13" long. Blades are 6.5" long. Used for Topping Onions, Sheep, and trimming plants. Zenport Lifetime Guarantee. Don't be fooled by Zenport imitations!

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

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!±8± Zenport® Z108 (Box of 12) 7" Cut-n-Hold Ergo Anvil Shears, Purple Handle w/thorn stripper.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Keep fertilizers and tools in a bank of Cedar Potting

!±8± Keep fertilizers and tools in a bank of Cedar Potting

A cedar potting bench is a godsend for many gardeners for many reasons. Not only will you be able to work standing up, without hurting your back digging in the mud, but you can also work from the comfort of your deck. Potting tables also help to all your garden tools, hand for him to organize, not hidden in various places throughout the house or garage. Once the basic potting bench, cedar, there are some basic things that shouldActivities in it to improve your garden. Among these, fertilizer and garden tools, experience in plant growth and help contribute to the comfort of your garden.

Garden Tools

Store in: the back wall, shelves and drawers of cedar potting bench

Without the proper tools, test garden is like trying to write a letter without a pen or pencil. Garden equipment in all shapes and sizes, but the nice thing is that 99% of the necessary tools for planting andSoil can be stored in a cedar potting bench, with the exception of wheelbarrows and maybe some other things that need to be stored in a shed or garage. This is possible because most of the models of cedar potting bench with a high back wall, which is a grid or pegboard on which tools go, is covered in addition to the regular shelves and drawers is usually available to come.

Of the many tools available that are the most commonly used:

- Edger
- Hammer
- Gloves
- Pruner
- Pruning Saw
- Rake
- Scissors
- Bucket
- Swords
- Kelle
- Irrigation


Shop in: under shelves or cedar potting bench

Almost as important as the land itself, the fertilizer is to enrich the soil when you are going to plant something. Fertilizer comes in dry and liquid forms, and you should always wear gloves when handling these materials. However, the fertilizer must be placed in a different way from the ground. DuringFloor must always be downloaded manure should really be as airtight as possible, because it tends to absorb much moisture in the air. Store in sealed plastic bags is, or plastic container, away from light and temperature as stable as possible. In winter, bring in a manure storage shed or garage so as not to block or break.

How many vitamins to keep people moving, there are six macronutrients essential for the survival of all plants andQuality fertilizer should contain a mix of most, if not all of these things. These nutrients are: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur.

Nitrogen: chlorophyll and plant life forms using nitrogen, enzymes and proteins help to reproduce. However, this element is not the rule in most plants. The nutrient is not produced by nature, with the land, but may in various organic substances in the air, water, and naturally found in fertilizers.If your plant is yellowing from the tip to the stem and / or their growth is stunted clearly this is a clear sign of nitrogen deficiency.

Make sure when you grow annuals, bulbs, perennial plants have shallow roots, or grass, then, is the phosphorus in fertilizer. Phosphorus is generally devoid of these types of plants and should be administered as close to the roots as possible for best effect.

Potassium is a nutrient normally absent inPlants, the lack of sandy soils, acid soils or soil organic matter to grow. Potassium is important to keep in cedar potting bench for the planting of annuals and perennials. As in the case of phosphorus, potassium should be applied with hand tools as close to the root of the plant as possible.

The last three macronutrients, calcium, magnesium and sulfur are usually enough that it does not need to be added, if you live in a region whereRain can wash. It never hurts to have some part, though, as these nutrients are also important for the survival of the plant. Calcium helps in the production and growth of plant cells, while magnesium works of chlorophyll molecules and the works of sulfur in combination with nitrogen for the creation of systems of cell protoplasm.

Keep fertilizers and tools in a bank of Cedar Potting

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Garden tools ergonomically correct - the back will thank you

!±8± Garden tools ergonomically correct - the back will thank you

In most attempts, a person for the easiest and most convenient way to carry out his task at hand, to decide. An artist paints a beautiful sunset, shimmering delicately over a lake, is made of highest quality artist's brush made of camel's hair, not a house painter's 3 "wide, synthetic brush. In the kitchen, because they cut the vegetables considerable pain in your hands if a food processor to do the work, freeing you from the tedium of waiting, andadditional back pain, the infinite state on the kitchen counter and you wonder if your recipe really needs a full cup finely chopped celery is? And why would anyone use a manual typewriter, which have absolutely no function, if not caused the carpal tunnel syndrome or muscle spasms, repetitive movement of the striking off of the keys is in power, when he sits in the room of a state- of-the-art computer with all the bells and whistles, canalmost everything for you, but to actually compose the text that you want? I do not think I could start, sufficient control (rather awkward) if I had to worry about setting the margins and spacing, and trying to figure out where to put that *% # @ "and" accidentally lost in the cheese [sic] without destroying any semblance of proper room placement.

The same is true in the garden. Do you use a shovel when they do a lot of weight will not spades. And you will not need to spendHours bent over a bed of flowers without a sharp pain behind his back and shoulders, if you could through a special ergonomic kneeler pad to kneel to talk to the rest of your body to maintain.

Every gardener needs, beginners or professionals, a basic set of tools. How is that any work or hobbies, or special tools for the garden tools you need to earn for themselves a good set of tools that do not fall apart with the willslightest provocation. Furthermore, you owe it to yourself to be the most convenient to get within your budget. It 'better to buy just some of the basics before you salivate at the sight of' designer 'garden tools to get started. At this point, is not necessarily better. Choose wisely.

The first category of ergonomically designed garden tools including shovels, trowels, shovels and farmers. Is a spade used for digging or cutting of the earth. It has a sharp metal blade and a longHandle. Spatula is used basically a small shovel, lifting equipment and land. A farmer is used to prepare the ground for a garden.

A GARDEN STANDARD or trowel, a very versatile tool you can use a lot of hand work, like digging holes and grounding design, excavation and leveling, weeding and first floor. Transplantation of a spatula, with its slim design is the ideal tool for digging deep holes and / or narrow to plant seedlings. It 'is also ideal for removing root balls easily without damagingthe plant or adjacent areas. Some trowels transplant marked the measures on the spatula, so that the gardener can dig up the correct depth to plant seeds. FARMER an extremely versatile with three spines elongated, perfect for many activities. It can be used to loosen and prepare soil extract immature weeds, landscaping with compost or manure, and make it to aerate the soil to be irrigated more efficiently. ROUND POINT SHOVEL a long handle can make or break your garden.You can get everything with this type of blade. And 'ideal for turning the soil to dig or fill soil, and for the preparation of the planting hole, holes and dirt removal to be solved by another instrument.

The next set of garden tools are pruners, shears and loppers. Hand pruners are useful. They are perfect for removing dead branches from shrubs and roses or damaged, and can be thin branches. Other uses includePruning shrubs and collect herbs and flowers. I have found from experience to keep the blades sharp and clean, otherwise you end up with an armful of roses, wild mutilated depends halfway, half out of the bush. It's not a pretty sight. My rose pruners are very territorial and do not really share with others. If the gap fits ...

There are different types of scissors available. In general, large scissors clipping or cuttingTools such as scissors. Grass shears are designed to be cut by the mower in difficult areas, such as trees and flowerbeds and the lawn is to get trim edges. Hedge shears and grass shears are the same, but the wings are more hedge shears. This tool is good when trimming hedges and shrubs. In this case, it is very useful when perennials and also cuts clipping dead flowers.

Loppers have long handles, to reduce orcut the branches of a tree or other woody plants. You can cut branches up to 2 in diameter, creeping.

Another important group of garden equipment is made up hoes and grinding machines. Hoe do just that, digging weeds. A hoe is a long metal handle ends in the fingers, as projections or scratches that had been sharpened to facilitate penetration of the earth and pulling up the long, scattered weeds and away from them under the surface. It seems moreas a barbecue fork. Edger be used to maintain lawns and shrubs are in their correct form. In practice, a loosening of border demarcation help edger garden grass hitting sidewalks, stepping stones, flower beds, and around the circular space of the diameter of a tree.

There are two basic types of information: the rake and rake bow. The Rake Bow is an essential in every garden. Solidly built with sturdy steel teeth, is used to move and smooth surfaces. It isalso useful for creating flower beds and raised vegetable or mounding soil around the plants. And 'essential' catch and throw "yard debris. Rakes leaves are flexible plastic or aluminum forks. It is not as heavy as the rake bow, but is perfect for collecting the scattered leaves, grass, and so on. Both rakes have long handles so that no bending involved.

Do not forget, you can choose to dilution, a hose reel with nozzle, a CART ROLLING GARDEN / Kneeler and Seat. AWatering has a long spout, so that your flowers and bushes not far from the water, and more. They tend to feel quite heavy - weighs 8-1/3 pounds water. per gallon - so try a watering can of lighter materials such as aluminum or a sturdy plastic case that is well trained are made. PANTS A good quality is essential for your garden and your mental health, especially if you like to bring that irrigation water is heavy around the lawn. Docan not save money on a pipe, buy the best quality hose you can find, so do not spend your week-end for all the emergency room, holes and leaks must be reported, the minute you seem to look away. A rubber hose should be the best solution. Some are also from the inside is reinforced with a material with a hose. You need a spout made of plastic or metal, the metal will last longer and definitely not frustrate you. TUBE make life much easier.How many times have you been triggered by a carelessly dropped in the pipe coil entanglements around the driveway? Try a tube that is long enough to buy, in order of post in the farthest point on your property where water may be needed.

Last but not least, the stool and Gardening Kneeler. These two accessories are for those of us not as mobile as we once were designed. GARDENING helps the stool, back and knee pain froman area to sit while you do construction work, which should generally be in a position and / or bending. The chair is usually equipped with wheels and a storage space for your instruments, and also has a holder for your bottle of water. There is another type of garden-chair of a stool round, but he sat on a spring mechanism, and the gardener to reach in all directions, without getting up, you can position the chair you just installed. Unfortunately, this secondType of chair tends to be very expensive.

The Kneeler, a padded surface in the form of a hard swing seat is designed to take away the hardness of the ground arms aching knees. A variation on the kneeler, as described above, but with handles to make it easier to be on both sides of the cushion, if you work in this part of the garden. Both models of pressure on the knees, especially useful for arthritis.

Probably one of the most effectiveThe saw is ergonomic ADD-ON HANDLE. Has changed structurally garden tools conventionally designed so that the instrument has an ergonomic handle. Can be used with hand tools such as trowels and shovels, rakes, hoes and brooms. A support arm cuff for greater control and influence is also available. Both the handle and the collar are removable and can be used on the instruments mentioned above. There are also a wide range of farmers for those who work from a seated position mustIn particular wheelchair.

A few final consideration: You must treat your body like a shrine. Curvature is wrong is the same with a hammer to the sanctuary. Both are destructive. It 'easy to think of a fast movement without. I can not count how many times my doctor gave me exactly why pampered. When rakes and hoes to try to use the tools close to your body. Keep your back straight. NEVER use your arms and rotate your upper body (my doctor is very bonesPoint of contention - I still feel guilty if I catch). If you are short, use long-handled tools in scale with your height. The same goes for tall people. Be careful not to bend from the waist. This is where the Kneeler Kneeler with railings or mighty close at hand. When weeding, the use of long-handled tools to ease the burden on his back, legs and knees. Forget about bending over with a trowel; consider squatting or sitting on the floor. If the blades or ditch pitchon top of the page, as you insert the tip of the blade vertically into the ground. Lift only small loads, bending your knees. Never include your back when lifting. To avoid twisting the trunk again. This will become your mantra. Use a shovel to a minimum can properly complete the operation. Also correspond to the size of the blade body. Do not push your physical limits during lifting and transport. Bend the knees, not your back and keep the load close to your body. AvoidTwisting or reaching. Sound familiar? Close as possible to your work. Do not force your going beyond your comfort zone. Even more important, not to stretch the foot stable! On a personal note, stretching can be harmful to your health if you have not ordered the block to your advantage. Precede this cautionary tale with degenerative disc disease for many years, my boss is my trusty wheelchair transportation. Also, I wear bilateral legHold on to me some support on his feet. A couple of summers ago, I thought it would be nice to my rose garden to dress raid dining table, as we were expecting guests for dinner that evening. No one else was home. Like a fool, I went to my garden of roses, my favorite garden armed scissor think I want at least a dozen beautiful roses (we have over 50 bushes) cut. I wore baggy shorts that billowed in the wind. Both my legs were placed in theirBraces. Rose identified a particularly fascinating, I reached forward in the direction of the bush. I thought my feet were firmly planted on the top of the redwood chips around the bushes. Boy, was I wrong! Because I cut the tribe to reach each foot went in the opposite direction, guide me to all the thousands of deadly thorns. With great precision, I was thrust directly onto the stain. Correction. I was at the rose bush from which threatening thorns stuck in a bent impaledFace-in-the-bush location. Condemned by the thorns snagged my shorts, I was literally immobilized. My neighbor and his brother trotting along the road to unlocking me. Talk of humiliation, not to mention the plethora of blood seeps from the holes in my body peak. I was not the image of sophistication. I thanked them for their help and red-facedly crept back into the house. I can honestly say that from this point on, I stop to all your options before you even begin to consider something in myGarden. I definitely learned my lesson and I hope this story will remind you to plan ahead if your body mechanics involved.

By the way, I never cut roses for the evening. Sigh ...

Garden tools ergonomically correct - the back will thank you

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Thursday, September 15, 2011



Brand : Bahco | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Sep 15, 2011 07:07:39 | Usually ships in 4-5 business days

"BAHCO" HAND HEDGE SHEARCutting Capacity 10" Varnished wooden handles Stamped and fully hardened blade for durability Straight blade and partly serrated edge to cut branches up to 1/3" Shock absorbing buffers for maximum comfort

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Monday, September 12, 2011

WORX WG800.1 3.6-Volt Lithium-Ion Cordless Grass Shear/Hedge Trimmer

!±8± WORX WG800.1 3.6-Volt Lithium-Ion Cordless Grass Shear/Hedge Trimmer

Brand : Worx | Rate : | Price : $59.99
Post Date : Sep 12, 2011 17:55:57 | Usually ships in 24 hours

WG800.1 Features: -Cordless shear / shrubber. -Includes one built-in charger, one shrub blade and one grass trim blade. -3-in-1 Hedge trimmer, grass trimmer and edger. -Large over-mold soft grip handle reduces user fatigue and improves grip. -Compact, lightweight design causes less user fatigue and shoulder strain. -Quick tool-free change from the shrub shear to grass shear. -Battery charging indicator. -Li-ion battery. -30 Days satisfaction, 2 years warranty. -Dimensions: 5'' H x 4'' W x 11'' D.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to use tables to display wooden Make attractive presentation of goods

!±8± How to use tables to display wooden Make attractive presentation of goods

A three-tier wooden table can display only what you need to get some of your belongings are displayed. Three-tier wooden display tables are ideal for displaying their work, they look elegant and can be taken almost anywhere.

Five companies, in particular with the use of wooden tables to display three levels of benefit.

1 flower shops. A three-tier wooden square table is perfect for displaying plants and flowers, and other laptop accessories for the garden asSpades and garden shears. Arrange the plants to three levels of square table wood color, size, or family, and create a lush garden. Your customers will not be able to resist.

2 libraries. A three-level wooden screen is ideal for books. Purchase and use a different table for each different kind: mystery, science fiction, romance, western. Or just get a table and create a cozy place where everyone can be satisfied in a cup of tea for an afternoonnavigation. It is advisable to insert a table in front of the door, and stocks with the latest DVDs, CDs, magazines or some promotional material. Use it to sell pens, paper and book lights. The possibilities are endless for a display library.

3 clothes shops. Consider creating a display table shows the theme of wooden clothes. Jeans and pants, neatly folded on a table and the eye. In spring, you create a view with bright, vivid colors Slickers. InAutumn, dark sweater and wool socks. Bags, belts, sunglasses, or would fit perfectly on a square table of wood three.

Shoe 4. Use a three-tier wooden table space for displaying products. In May and June to hold an exhibition of perfect shoes for men and women, weddings and official events. In summer we put the sandals and flip-flip. Customers are more likely when the shoes are displayed and presented attractive to buy, where everyone can see it.

5Candy Stores. A table with three levels of wood is perfect for viewing the display of chocolate bars, gum and taffy glasses, fish bowls of gummy worms, and a hundred other things. Put your candy of the month in the window and step aside, as customers flock to your store.

Many retailers, not just those listed here may benefit from three levels of wood and a table display. Watch your sales area and ask: "Would not benefit from this area in three stagesWooden table? "

How to use tables to display wooden Make attractive presentation of goods

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Guide to Pruning Knockout Roses properly

!±8± Guide to Pruning Knockout Roses properly

Knockout roses are classically beautiful, and their survival depends on how the care they receive from. One of the most important things a gardener can do to a garden of roses is to prune the roses. Pruning knockout roses when they need it, not a chore but a joy.

It 'important that all damaged and dry leaves and wood are pruned roses. The best time to prune the roses bloom after their first summer. Even if they require smaller cut of 'years,Most pruning should be performed every year in the second half of winter or early spring.

Pruning of roses is about the same as trim. There are many types of roses, and each may require slightly different pruning requirements. Pruning these beautiful flowers: the removal of all dead and old canes to prevent or stop the growth of new shoots.

When cutting the plants remember, not too far away. If the roses are in the process of training isis a good time to start pruning in that direction. Knockout rose in spring and early summer flowering, and in cold weather, they stagnate. All this depends on the climate.

An important fact to remember when to prune knockout roses, plums during the first year. Enable them to grow roots and be held before any cutting or cutting. The pruning of roses in their resting phase can kill them. It 's easier to form the rosesas it grows. Another phase of the circumcision roses.

Correct cut roses has many advantages for the gardener and the flowers. There are roses that are not excessive care. A small hand-shaper you prefer, cut the bushes at least fifty percent of its original height. Replace the consequent rapid growth, which is controlled is ugly, so random with respect to growth. Knockout roses pruning must be performed with an oblique angle of 45 degrees. Always clean the shearsbefore and after pruning to prevent disease or other transfer of fungus from roses.

There is usually a process or a pattern that many gardeners use when pruning Knockout roses. After all that cutting, it is necessary to feed the roses, and give them plenty of water. Exposing them to sunlight precisely on a regular basis is important for their growth. Care for knockout roses, and will pay due attention to ensure their long and healthy life bloom. With roughChemicals in pesticides can damage the knockout roses, and could prove fatal. If parasites are a problem groped a natural approach.

Pruning knockout roses can a little 'intimidating the first time, but can be addictive, so much so that you can go too far in trying a unique shape. The first few times, remove the obvious dead flowers and stems, and then, if you feel better, then trim and you can start designing at the same time.

Guide to Pruning Knockout Roses properly

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