What do Parametrix and the US Postal Service have in common? This is the un-official Postal Service motto: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." Volunteers for this years' Auburn Clean Sweep upped the ante of the motto, to include: hail, super-sticky mud, blackberry brambles, snakes, and spiders. Add in the danger of machetes, scythes, and pruning shears, and you have a group of adventurers who rival those seen on Extreme Makeover Home Edition! The Parametrix team included employee owners and their families from the SR520 office, Puyallup, and Corporate. Thanks to their support and dedication, our client, the City of Auburn, received 19 helping hands in their quest to beautify the city. AJ Porrini Alexander Schott Brenden Harse Chuck Schott Cindy Clark Dan McReynolds Daniel Schott Elena Coque Jerri Bean John Schott Kathleen Becker Leslie Clark Lisa Lippert Marriah Harse Melissa Clark Michael Clark Paul Bucich Rick Harse Tenille Van Hollebeke