In most attempts, a person for the easiest and most convenient way to carry out his task at hand, to decide. An artist paints a beautiful sunset, shimmering delicately over a lake, is made of highest quality artist's brush made of camel's hair, not a house painter's 3 "wide, synthetic brush. In the kitchen, because they cut the vegetables considerable pain in your hands if a food processor to do the work, freeing you from the tedium of waiting, andadditional back pain, the infinite state on the kitchen counter and you wonder if your recipe really needs a full cup finely chopped celery is? And why would anyone use a manual typewriter, which have absolutely no function, if not caused the carpal tunnel syndrome or muscle spasms, repetitive movement of the striking off of the keys is in power, when he sits in the room of a state- of-the-art computer with all the bells and whistles, canalmost everything for you, but to actually compose the text that you want? I do not think I could start, sufficient control (rather awkward) if I had to worry about setting the margins and spacing, and trying to figure out where to put that *% # @ "and" accidentally lost in the cheese [sic] without destroying any semblance of proper room placement.
The same is true in the garden. Do you use a shovel when they do a lot of weight will not spades. And you will not need to spendHours bent over a bed of flowers without a sharp pain behind his back and shoulders, if you could through a special ergonomic kneeler pad to kneel to talk to the rest of your body to maintain.
Every gardener needs, beginners or professionals, a basic set of tools. How is that any work or hobbies, or special tools for the garden tools you need to earn for themselves a good set of tools that do not fall apart with the willslightest provocation. Furthermore, you owe it to yourself to be the most convenient to get within your budget. It 'better to buy just some of the basics before you salivate at the sight of' designer 'garden tools to get started. At this point, is not necessarily better. Choose wisely.
The first category of ergonomically designed garden tools including shovels, trowels, shovels and farmers. Is a spade used for digging or cutting of the earth. It has a sharp metal blade and a longHandle. Spatula is used basically a small shovel, lifting equipment and land. A farmer is used to prepare the ground for a garden.
A GARDEN STANDARD or trowel, a very versatile tool you can use a lot of hand work, like digging holes and grounding design, excavation and leveling, weeding and first floor. Transplantation of a spatula, with its slim design is the ideal tool for digging deep holes and / or narrow to plant seedlings. It 'is also ideal for removing root balls easily without damagingthe plant or adjacent areas. Some trowels transplant marked the measures on the spatula, so that the gardener can dig up the correct depth to plant seeds. FARMER an extremely versatile with three spines elongated, perfect for many activities. It can be used to loosen and prepare soil extract immature weeds, landscaping with compost or manure, and make it to aerate the soil to be irrigated more efficiently. ROUND POINT SHOVEL a long handle can make or break your garden.You can get everything with this type of blade. And 'ideal for turning the soil to dig or fill soil, and for the preparation of the planting hole, holes and dirt removal to be solved by another instrument.
The next set of garden tools are pruners, shears and loppers. Hand pruners are useful. They are perfect for removing dead branches from shrubs and roses or damaged, and can be thin branches. Other uses includePruning shrubs and collect herbs and flowers. I have found from experience to keep the blades sharp and clean, otherwise you end up with an armful of roses, wild mutilated depends halfway, half out of the bush. It's not a pretty sight. My rose pruners are very territorial and do not really share with others. If the gap fits ...
There are different types of scissors available. In general, large scissors clipping or cuttingTools such as scissors. Grass shears are designed to be cut by the mower in difficult areas, such as trees and flowerbeds and the lawn is to get trim edges. Hedge shears and grass shears are the same, but the wings are more hedge shears. This tool is good when trimming hedges and shrubs. In this case, it is very useful when perennials and also cuts clipping dead flowers.
Loppers have long handles, to reduce orcut the branches of a tree or other woody plants. You can cut branches up to 2 in diameter, creeping.
Another important group of garden equipment is made up hoes and grinding machines. Hoe do just that, digging weeds. A hoe is a long metal handle ends in the fingers, as projections or scratches that had been sharpened to facilitate penetration of the earth and pulling up the long, scattered weeds and away from them under the surface. It seems moreas a barbecue fork. Edger be used to maintain lawns and shrubs are in their correct form. In practice, a loosening of border demarcation help edger garden grass hitting sidewalks, stepping stones, flower beds, and around the circular space of the diameter of a tree.
There are two basic types of information: the rake and rake bow. The Rake Bow is an essential in every garden. Solidly built with sturdy steel teeth, is used to move and smooth surfaces. It isalso useful for creating flower beds and raised vegetable or mounding soil around the plants. And 'essential' catch and throw "yard debris. Rakes leaves are flexible plastic or aluminum forks. It is not as heavy as the rake bow, but is perfect for collecting the scattered leaves, grass, and so on. Both rakes have long handles so that no bending involved.
Do not forget, you can choose to dilution, a hose reel with nozzle, a CART ROLLING GARDEN / Kneeler and Seat. AWatering has a long spout, so that your flowers and bushes not far from the water, and more. They tend to feel quite heavy - weighs 8-1/3 pounds water. per gallon - so try a watering can of lighter materials such as aluminum or a sturdy plastic case that is well trained are made. PANTS A good quality is essential for your garden and your mental health, especially if you like to bring that irrigation water is heavy around the lawn. Docan not save money on a pipe, buy the best quality hose you can find, so do not spend your week-end for all the emergency room, holes and leaks must be reported, the minute you seem to look away. A rubber hose should be the best solution. Some are also from the inside is reinforced with a material with a hose. You need a spout made of plastic or metal, the metal will last longer and definitely not frustrate you. TUBE make life much easier.How many times have you been triggered by a carelessly dropped in the pipe coil entanglements around the driveway? Try a tube that is long enough to buy, in order of post in the farthest point on your property where water may be needed.
Last but not least, the stool and Gardening Kneeler. These two accessories are for those of us not as mobile as we once were designed. GARDENING helps the stool, back and knee pain froman area to sit while you do construction work, which should generally be in a position and / or bending. The chair is usually equipped with wheels and a storage space for your instruments, and also has a holder for your bottle of water. There is another type of garden-chair of a stool round, but he sat on a spring mechanism, and the gardener to reach in all directions, without getting up, you can position the chair you just installed. Unfortunately, this secondType of chair tends to be very expensive.
The Kneeler, a padded surface in the form of a hard swing seat is designed to take away the hardness of the ground arms aching knees. A variation on the kneeler, as described above, but with handles to make it easier to be on both sides of the cushion, if you work in this part of the garden. Both models of pressure on the knees, especially useful for arthritis.
Probably one of the most effectiveThe saw is ergonomic ADD-ON HANDLE. Has changed structurally garden tools conventionally designed so that the instrument has an ergonomic handle. Can be used with hand tools such as trowels and shovels, rakes, hoes and brooms. A support arm cuff for greater control and influence is also available. Both the handle and the collar are removable and can be used on the instruments mentioned above. There are also a wide range of farmers for those who work from a seated position mustIn particular wheelchair.
A few final consideration: You must treat your body like a shrine. Curvature is wrong is the same with a hammer to the sanctuary. Both are destructive. It 'easy to think of a fast movement without. I can not count how many times my doctor gave me exactly why pampered. When rakes and hoes to try to use the tools close to your body. Keep your back straight. NEVER use your arms and rotate your upper body (my doctor is very bonesPoint of contention - I still feel guilty if I catch). If you are short, use long-handled tools in scale with your height. The same goes for tall people. Be careful not to bend from the waist. This is where the Kneeler Kneeler with railings or mighty close at hand. When weeding, the use of long-handled tools to ease the burden on his back, legs and knees. Forget about bending over with a trowel; consider squatting or sitting on the floor. If the blades or ditch pitchon top of the page, as you insert the tip of the blade vertically into the ground. Lift only small loads, bending your knees. Never include your back when lifting. To avoid twisting the trunk again. This will become your mantra. Use a shovel to a minimum can properly complete the operation. Also correspond to the size of the blade body. Do not push your physical limits during lifting and transport. Bend the knees, not your back and keep the load close to your body. AvoidTwisting or reaching. Sound familiar? Close as possible to your work. Do not force your going beyond your comfort zone. Even more important, not to stretch the foot stable! On a personal note, stretching can be harmful to your health if you have not ordered the block to your advantage. Precede this cautionary tale with degenerative disc disease for many years, my boss is my trusty wheelchair transportation. Also, I wear bilateral legHold on to me some support on his feet. A couple of summers ago, I thought it would be nice to my rose garden to dress raid dining table, as we were expecting guests for dinner that evening. No one else was home. Like a fool, I went to my garden of roses, my favorite garden armed scissor think I want at least a dozen beautiful roses (we have over 50 bushes) cut. I wore baggy shorts that billowed in the wind. Both my legs were placed in theirBraces. Rose identified a particularly fascinating, I reached forward in the direction of the bush. I thought my feet were firmly planted on the top of the redwood chips around the bushes. Boy, was I wrong! Because I cut the tribe to reach each foot went in the opposite direction, guide me to all the thousands of deadly thorns. With great precision, I was thrust directly onto the stain. Correction. I was at the rose bush from which threatening thorns stuck in a bent impaledFace-in-the-bush location. Condemned by the thorns snagged my shorts, I was literally immobilized. My neighbor and his brother trotting along the road to unlocking me. Talk of humiliation, not to mention the plethora of blood seeps from the holes in my body peak. I was not the image of sophistication. I thanked them for their help and red-facedly crept back into the house. I can honestly say that from this point on, I stop to all your options before you even begin to consider something in myGarden. I definitely learned my lesson and I hope this story will remind you to plan ahead if your body mechanics involved.
By the way, I never cut roses for the evening. Sigh ...